
Choose Your Own Menu

The classes take place during the morning,
starting at 10.30 am and run from 2 to 3 hours.

All classes in this document are hands on.

Classes are designed for adults over 18.


Design your own menu. You decide what dishes you want to learn.
You may choose ONE OPTION from each of the three following sections:

  • Soups (Section 1)
  • Rices, Nopales and More… (Section 2)
  • Main Dishes (Section 3)

It is not possible to choose two or three options from the Main Dishes category, only one, but you may from the other categories. So you can design a class choosing two soups and one main dish or two rice dishes and one main dish.

Section 1

SOPA VERDE: A chicken soup prepared with tomatillos, cilantro, zucchini, potatoes and chile chipotle.

SOPA TARASCA: This is a wonderful soup from the state of Michoacán. It´s prepared with tomatoes, onion, garlic and cooked black beans, blended until pure getting a very smooth soup. Garnished with: sour cream, Mexican cheese and fried tortilla strips.

SOPA DE FIDEO SECA: Unique Mexican soup. This soup is made with thin noodles, which are fried and then boiled in a tomato, onion and garlic puree until becomes very dry. It is garnished with chile chipotle adobado, and cream.

CREMA DE CALABAZA: A delicious light and creamy soup prepared with cilantro and zucchini.

SOPA DE AVENA: Amazing and heathy tasty Mexican soup, prepared with oats, tomatoes, onion and garlic; garnished with chile chipotle and pecans.

SOPA DE HONGOS Y CALABAZA: Soup prepared with Zucchinis, mushrooms, garlic, onion, cilantro and chile serrano. Once everything is cooked, will be blended with Mexican crema and chicken broth to have a y silky texture and great flavor!!!!!

SOPA DE NOPAL Y PAPA: Soup prepared with basic tomatoes, onion, garlic, chile chipotle and chicken broth in which you cook potatoes. To be added with cooked nopales. Wil be served topped with Mexican cheese (queso fresco)

Section 2
Rice, Nopales & More...

RICE: The technique used to make rice in Mexico is very traditional and unique; there is no other cuisine that uses this technique. You will need to make 5 previous steps: rinsing, soaking for 20 minutes in warm water, drain, deep fry in vegetable oil, and drain. You will be amazed how oil is almost completely recovered. And then continue cooking with several ingredients such as tomatoes, onion, garlic puree and chicken broth to give flavor and color to the rice.

ARROZ ROJO:  Rice fried in vegetable oil, cooked with onion, garlic and tomatoes puree. Carrots and peas can be added.

ARROZ VERDE: Rice, fried with vegetable oil, cooked with chile poblano, cilantro, onion and garlic puree. Corn can be added.

ARROZ BLANCO A LA MEXICANA: Rice, fried in vegetable oil and then cooked in chicken broth, onion, and garlic.

NOPALES: In addition to corn and chiles; nopales (cactus pads) are part of our staple food. This is one of the most appreciated dishes by Mexicans. We prepare this vegetable in many different ways.

ENSALADA DE NOPALES: This is probably the most traditional fresh salad in Mexico. Cooked nopales mixed with fresh tomatoes and onion, and lime. Garnish with ground cheese and oregano.

 NOPALES GUISADOS: This is the most frequent way Mexicans eat nopales at home. Cooked nopales mixed with fried tomatoes, onion, garlic, and cilantro, seasoned with either chile serrano or canned chile chipotle adobado.

NOPALES CON CHORIZO: This dish combines ingredients originally from Spain such as chorizo (sausage) and our delicious nopales. Fried chorizo, onion, garlic, tomatoes and cooked nopales, seasoned with canned chile chipotle adobado.

and MORE… (Extra options)

QUESO PANELA EN SALSA VEDE: This course combines the acidity of the tomatillos, the freshness of the cilantro and the dip flavor of cumin, with a very traditional Mexican cheese, named “queso panela”. One of the best courses with cheese!!!!!

PAPAS CON CHORIZO: This dish combines ingredients originally from Spain such as chorizo (sausage), caramelized onion and potatoes. Served in tacos.

CAZUELA DE HONGOS A LA MEXICANA: Champignons (or a mixture of seasonal mushrooms) sautéed with generous number of garlic, chile serrano seeds, cilantro and lime.

CALABACITAS A LA MEXICANA: Prepared with tomato, onion, zucchini, cilantro and chile serrano with a very Mexican touch.

Section 3
Main Dishes

TINGA DE POLLO : Cooked chicken breast shredded and fried with tomatoes, onion, garlic and chile chipotle, seasoned with thyme, bay leaf and marjoram. Chicken can be substituted with beef or pork.

POLLO EN CHILE PASILLA Y NOPAL: Chicken served in a sauce cooked with chile pasilla (dry and tasty chiles), tomatillos, onion, garlic and oregano. Topped with nopales (cactus pad)

POLLO EN SALSA MORENA: This brown sauce is cooked with dried Mexican chile, anise seeds, cinnamon sticks, raisins, onion and garlic, that once is cooked you puree the ingredients to make a very silky sauce, which is used to serve over chicken. Unique, incredibly and delicious flavor!

POLLO CON CHORIZO Y NOPAL: Chicken served in a sauce cooked with chorizo (sausage), tomatoes, onion, garlic, cilantro, nopales (cactus pad) and chile chipotle

ALBÓNDIGAS EN SALSA DE TOMATE Y CHILE CHIPOTLE: Beef meat balls seasoned and cooked in a tomatoe and chile chipotle sauce, topped with carrots and peas.

CERDO EN SALSA VERDE: This dish is prepared with pork meat that is brown in its own fat, and braise in a tomatillo sauce, season with cumin. It is optional for you to add raisings or potatoes to the recipe. (You need to order the option you prefer)

CARNE DE FLOJAS: Pork meat that is brown in its own fat, and then cooked with green tomatillo, chile pasilla and chile ancho, onion, garlic and beer. (In the past, this mixture needed to be boiled with “pulque”, a prehispanic alcoholic drink coming from the “maguey” cactus. This “pulque” is not easy to find any more so it is substituted with beer.)

PESCADO A LA VERACRUZANA: A very famous dish from Veracruz state, prepared with tomato, onion, garlic and cilantro sauce. Olives and lime juice are added when almost cooked.

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